Do you know difference between tidy and organized?


Did you see under your closet or drawer? Did they organize? How do you know? Do you find anything in place when needed? Do you pay your bill on time? Maybe your house is tidy, not properly organized because the term tidy and organized are two different things. The tidy house gives the appearance of cleaning where no visible thing is placed on the surface, such as a table, floor, and counters. While the organization is defined as you can find anything when needed and get all the work done on time

So let’s discuss further these terms,

How to make checklist for tidying and organize things

Many people wait until their house becomes dirtier to be clean. The trick is to put in a small effort every day to keep your house as tidy as possible

  1. Set a timer for 5 minutes.
  2. take your notebook out.
  3. Note down the things you are tidying up (for example, the Kitchen stove).
  4. Turn on your timer.
  5. Complete your task.
  6. Turn off the timer.
  7. Repeat the same method for another task.

It’s very simple.

Tidying home in 10 MINUTES IS satisfying?

To be very honest, if it’s a weekend and you clean up your room in 10 minutes, that feeling is so overwhelming because you will get the time for other work like watching a movie and hanging out with friends. Here is what I did to get back to another work:

  • choose up to ten things, or
  • Do 1- or 2-minute tidying with a 20-minute rest

 If you don’t get success on the first attempt, try again. That’s how habits build.

Organize Your Home

Organizing the home is not the same thing as tidying up your home in 10 minutes. It truly needs time and assistance from someone. Decluttering your home and putting things in their place is not an easy job. We suggest you take each space of your house at a single time and don’t create panic. Organize your kitchen first because it’s the most used place of your house, then move to the living room, bathroom, and so on 

2 clear glass jars on white shelf

Here a link where you can see some basket for organizing your space.

Caring yourself is also a part of the organization: 

To clean up the kitchen counter, the living area bathroom, or cupboards and fulfill all the necessities of your family, from eating to cleaning, may deplete your energy level, and you get a lazy feeling. Then you have to take time out for yourself. This can be anything like a relaxing bath, a short nap, cooking a healthy meal, etc. self-care is necessary to keep yourself healthy, rechargeable and tidy up your life. 

 Change your mindset, then your habits.

To make yourself an organized person is not an overnight task. Firstly you have to make your mind before making it habitual. The goal that you set to be done must be valuable to you. After that, you will have a tool to achieve it in an organized manner. Healthy organizational habits will help you stay balanced and carve out time for the things that bring you joy while making progress towards what matters to you most.

Trash those tasks which don’t bring you towards your goal. Rewrite your task list that is simpler and more aligns with your goal

Do the easiest task first.

If you think that downsizing and decluttering the clothes is the easiest task all around, then do it first. It may help to increase your morale to move into another task according to plans. Some people have an attachment towards books so arranging it is the easiest task for them.  

Ropa Variada Colgada Dentro Del Gabinete
Photo by Victoria Borodinova en Pexels


Then you will systematically go through the categories of items in your home, including CDs and DVDs, makeup, valuables, electronic equipment, household supplies, kitchen items, and the rest. After moving through these categories, you’ll finally be ready to tackle the sentimental items category, including childhood items, like children’s childhood photos, and more.

Choose your happiness first

You will make a list before you start organizing, and then you will be decluttering the things according to the category. When you go through each category, then choose that category first, which makes you feel happy. Happiness leads to the task done fast and more accurately. You have to know the feeling about the items you choose to keep in your home. Like people love plants and feel happy to organize them in our home while some are allergic to them, so choose your happiness first.

Do every task consistently

When you choose some task, then do it consistently and on time. After you declutter your place and make it organized, you’ll realize that everything in its place is easier to tidy up. Surely, the system you create takes time, but once you get it done, it becomes easier to keep things tidy day after day consistently. 

Be sure about your availability

When you’re planning to start any organizing task in your home, think about the time first to get it done on time because there are only 24 hours in a single day. If you think your pick-up takes a long hour, then split it into two portions and do it on the next day according to your availability. Simple tasks that don’t require much time, like arranging a desk drawer, can be quickly done, while organizing a closet may take along. You can organize the gaps with these larger, less frequent tasks by starting with your smaller tasks.

I’ve started doing this, coupled with intermittent tidying. Maybe it’s a fact I get to check something off, or maybe it’s a fact making a checklist as I go feels more doable, not to mention keeps me more focused, but I’m enjoying this.


Check out how to keep your house organized by putting in a small effort. You can easily form good cleaning habits to keep your home tidy year after year by using little time. Aside from consistent daily and weekly cleanings, it would be best to keep monthly and quarterly cleanings in mind.

Here is a link with some references sites to organize and tidy your home